The cytogenetic influence of physical water indicators on the number of micronuclears in cells of predatory fish species


Vodianitskyi O.1,Hrynevych N.2,Khomiak O.2,Prysiazhniuk N.2


1. Institute of Hydrobiology of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

2. Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine


During the monitoring of cytological parameters of embryos and fi sh larvae under changing environmental conditions, it was found that the body adapts to the environmental temperature conditions at the cellular level. Threshold temperature is the limit of the resistance of body cells to the action of extreme ambient temperatures. Since this ability is diff erent for diff erent species, their temperature threshold is not the same. It is proved that for each fi sh species there is a certain temperature amplitude, within which their embryonic development is possible. The rate of passage of embryogenesis depends on temperature. Deviation from the optimal temperature and its approach to the “threshold” causes disturbances in the embryogenesis of fi sh, leads to the death of embryos or to the appearance of anomalies in their development. Under the infl uence of a threshold temperature on fertilized eggs, polyploidy of cells is possible. Genetic changes in somatic cells is an integral indicator of homeostasis disturbance. They characterize the pr esence of environmental mutagens and the eff ectiveness of the body's immune response. Normally, most genetic disorders are eliminated. The presence of such disorders is an indicator of stress, which leads to the appearance of abnormal cells and a decrease in the body's immune status. Such abnormalities can be detected at the chromosomal level. It has been proved that critical periods in the embryonic development of fi sh are manifested at the stages of crushing of morula cells and gastrulation in embryos during organogenesis. However, the presence of sensitive periods is not always associated with diff erentiation processes, for example, the onset of cell crushing, the period of embryo exit from the membranes. Key words: predatory fi sh species, temperature regime, metabolism, micronuclear test, embryonic cell, nucleoli, stress factors, abiotic effect.


The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

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