The Digestibility of feed and productivity of young fattening pigs when using mixed-ligand complexes of copper


Podhalyuzina O.1,Bomko V.1,Kuzmenko O.1


1. Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine


The balancing research has shown that there are certain changes in the body of young pigs for fattening under the infl uence of consumed feed and feed additives. During the balance experiment on pigs for fattening, the protein, fat and carbohydrate digestibility ratios and the nitrogen balance were studied. The digestibility and absorption of nutrients of the feed are infl uenced by many factors such as animal species, age, physiological state, feed type, method of retention, ratio and size of components, individual characteristics and others. The relationship between digestion and nutrient uptake in young pigs for fattening under the infl uence of Copper sulphate and the mixed-ligand complex of Copper added to the compound feed in diff erent quantities was investigated. The optimal dose of Copper in the compound feed for pig fattening pigs was established for feeding diff erent levels and sources of Copper. According to the results of the balance experiment, the best indices of the digestibility of nutrients were found in animals, the dose of the mixed-ligand complex of Copper in the compound feed was 21.2 g/t. With this dose of Copper chelate, the rate of digestibility of organic substances was 85.4 %, crude protein – 79.3 %, crude fat – 68.1 %, crude fi ber– 41.8 % and nitrogen-free extractives – 90.5 %, which exceeded control analogues, respectively, by 1.5%, 3.4; 2,7; 9.7 and 1.1 %. It was also found that the highest levels of Nitrogen uptake were observed in the animals of the experimental groups fed the Copper chelate in the amounts of 21.2 and 15.4 g/t respectively – 54.4 % and 54.3 %, respectively, by 9.9 % (p≤0.05) and 9.7 % higher compared to control animals. The impact of diff erent doses of mixed-ligand complex of Copper had an eff ect on the growth rates of animals, as evidenced by the results of live weight of pigs. The animals of the 4th and 5th experimental groups had the highest live weight, which fed the Copper bathrobe in the amount of 21.2 and 15.4 g/t of compound feed, which covered the Copper defi cit in the diet by 55 % and 40 %. Animals of these groups at the age of 150 days had a live weight of 2.3 % and 1.9 % more, respectively, compared to the same indicator in the control group. And at the age of 180 days pigs of the 4th experimental group were dominated by analogues of control by 3.8 %, and by 5th – by 3.3 %. Therefore, the results of the studies indicate a positive eff ect of the addition of organic-mineral origin of the mixed-ligand complex of Copper on the growth and development of young pigs on fattening. Key words: live weight, digestibility coeffi cient, pigs, fattening, organic substances, protein, fat, fi ber, Copper.


The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

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