The Productivity of cows with alimentary intake of heavy metals


Mamenko O.1,Portyannik S.1


1. Kharkiv State Zooveterinary Academy, Kharkiv, Ukraine


The production of milk in agro ecosystems that situated around developed industrial centers can be greatly complicated by the pollution of the environment by heavy metals, especially cadmium and lead. Milk producers seek to produce not only ecologically safe, biologically fully validand high-quality milk, but also to achieve the maximum level of productivity of cows for the breed (maximum use of genetic potential of cattle), which in such ecological conditions is extremely diffi cult task. There are situations when the level of food contamination of the diet is insignifi cant and exclude them from the diet. It is very diffi cult toreplace with more qualitative.That’s why it is imperative to create some new simple economically-technologically and economically effi cient methods of production of high-quality, competitive milk market with simultaneous increase in the volume of its production. The market off ers the usage of various reentrants in the experiments of feed supplements, new premixes, and etc. The search for more eff ective means remains relevant and includs sorbents (treads), which, while reducing the load of productive animals with heavy meta-lams, contributed to an increase in average daily milk yields. Biochemical analysis of selected samples of plant and animal origin: feed, blood, internal organs and tissues, urine and milk on the content of macro-, microelements including heavy metals, etc. conducted by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (spectrophotometer AAS-30). The accounting of dairy productivity of cows was carried out on the basis of the decade's control tastes. The purpose of the research is to assess the milk yield of cows fed with high levels of heavy metals Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn and the simultaneous use of antidiabetic agents. The complex application of the specially developed, adapted to actual diets of cows’ feeding as antitoxic mineral-vitamin premix MP-A is off ered and checked It was also checkedthe subcutaneous injection of biological active preparation "BP-9" of plant origin for the protection of the cows’ body from the toxic eff ects of heavy metals, in particular, it has been proposed and tested in experiments, such as cadmium and lead. The joint action of premix and biopreparatur increases the excretion of pollutants from the body of cows with urine, reduces their transition to dairy raw materials.That allows to producethe milk that meets domestic and international quality standards, and due to the supremacy of the basic diet with the necessary micro, macro elements, vitamins increases milk productivity on average 1.6 times from 3477–4426 kg to 5697–6899 kg, which provides rent-free production of milk in farms.But it does not allow to realizein full force and eff ect the genetic potential of black and red-spotted dairy breedbreed at 7–9 thousand kg per lactation. Further research is aimed at the development of more eff ective antidote substances, which have contributed to the production of environmentally safe milk and to maximize the use of animal breeding potential. Key words: daily averageyield of milk, premix, bioproduct, cadmium, lead, copper, zinc, contaminated feeds, antidote substances.


The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

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