Features of the functioning of the poultrymeat market


Kopytets N.1ORCID,Voloshyn V.2ORCID


1. National Research Center "Institute of Agrarian Economics", Kyiv, Ukraine

2. National Research Center "Institute of Agriculture National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine ", Kyiv, Ukraine


The state of the poultry market and highlights the peculiarities of its functioning has been researchedin the article.The poultry market as competitive and efficient with other meat marketshas been identified.And the poultry industry has maintained a positive production trend in recent years. In Ukraine, the poultry population is growing from year to year. In nineteen years, the number of poultry in agricultural enterprises has increased more than five times. A feature of the poultry market is the concentration of poultry and meat production in agricultural enterprises. More than 85percent of the poultry meat production in the slaughter mass was provided by agricultural enterprises. Most poultry meat was produced in Vinnytsia, Kyiv, Cherkasy, Dnipropetrovsk and Lviv regions. It is substantiated that the increase in poultry meat production is primarily due to the growth of demand from the population in conditions of low purchasing power. Poultry meat remains the most affordable for most meat consumers. In addition, due to a significant reduction in the supply of other types of meat, and consequently rising prices for them, poultry has become a substitute for most meat consumers. At the same time, many consumers have changed their tastes and preferences for a particular type of meat in favor of dietary poultry meat. The balances of supply and demand of poultry meat were analyzed. It has been proven that domestic poultry production fully meets domestic demand and has reserves to increase exports. It is noted that the further development of the domestic poultry market will depend, first of all, on solving the crisis problems in the world. In addition, indicators of production efficiency and product competitiveness will have a significant impact. Keywords: market, poultry meat, production, supply, demand, consumption, price.


The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

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