Сompetitiveness management components in agrarian higher education institutions


Vasylenko O.1ORCID


1. Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine


The paper summarizes the results of domestic and foreign scientists’studies on the principles of competitiveness management and their possible application in the formation of an efcient competitiveness management system in agrarian higher education institutions. The study singles out factors of higher education institutions functioning and reveals their interrelations and interdependence expedient to be considered in determining the approach to competitiveness management of educational institutions. The study proves that taking into account changes in the external environment at strategic management level makes it possible to identify new opportunities and challenges, develop measures to overcome the crises, which will further contribute to achieving the strategic goal as well as main and secondary goals of educational organizations. It is substantiated that university competitiveness management system is to be established on the basis of a combination of strategic management system, value concept and risk management. The main factors influencing the organizational system of educational institutions management were identifed on the basis of systematization of theoretical principles of management, namely, management levels, principles and methods, systems analysis, scientifc approach, differentiation and complexity. The components of the system of ensuring the competitiveness of higher agricultural institutions and their interrelation are identifed and the need to take into account the factors and conditions of educational, research, innovation, advisory and other activities in choosing an organizational system of competitiveness management. Based on the corroborated concept of agricultural competitiveness management, a logical model was developed in the form of a set of principles, methods and tools combining the development strategy, tactical and operational management adapted to current trends, dynamic uncertainty of the market environment and a holistic concept of strengthening the existing competitive advantages and the formation of new ones in the form of values. The authors proposed the competitiveness management algorithm comprising a set of interrelated methodological provisions. The logic of the competitiveness management process makes the base for the provisions, reflects its situational nature and the system of orderly and agreed procedures. It also involves values that form competitive advantage and are focused on the implementation of the strategy adopted by the educational organization. The study substantiated that the proposed model of higher education institutions competitiveness management should take into account the priorities of national strategies for development of higher education, agricultural sector, rural areas, as well as sustainable development strategies and competitiveness strategies ensuring the balanced development of higher education. The study results proved that ensuring and increasing the competitiveness of higher educational institution is a long-term process, which should be taken into account in strategic and tactical management. Key words: higher education institution, agrarian higher education institution, competitiveness, competitiveness management, competitive advantages, competitive potential of the university, sustainable development.


The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University


General Medicine

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