Elements of winter wheat yield structure depending on seeds growing technology


Polishchuk V.1ORCID,Konovalov D.2ORCID


1. Uman National University of Horticulture, Uman, Ukraine

2. Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine


The article highlights the influence of different technologies of winter wheat seeds cultivation on the yield structure elements, its formation and quality. It was found that the formation of the yield structure ‑ the number of plants, productive stems, grains per ear and grain weight per ear – depended on the crop cultivation technologies. It was found that the varieties reaction to the cultivation technology was different. According to the basic seed cultivation technology in medium-early and medium-ripening varieties no significant difference was found in the tillering coefficient and grain weight per ear. There was only a tendency to increase these indicators of medium-ripening varieties. The highest coefficient of productive tillering (1.4) was in the «Astarta» variety, which provided the most productive stems, and the weight of grains in the ear of this variety was the lowest, while the seed yield was 7.00 t/ha and was significantly lower than in other varieties. The use of energy-intensive technology provided a significant increase in biological yield of varieties of both ripeness groups compared to the baseline. Under this technology of winter wheat cultivation, as well as under the baseline, the plant density was higher in medium-early ripening varieties and amounted to 395 plants/m2 , while in medium-ripening varieties it was 10 plants/m2 less. However, the tillering coefficient and the number of productive stems were higher in medium-ripening varieties, which, in combination with agrotechnological measures – increased doses of fertilizers, both basal and top dressing, protection of crops from diseases (double fungicide treatment of crops) – ensured a significantly higher yield, which on average was 0.11 t/ha higher than in mediumripening varieties. The use of energy-rich technology with elements of biologization of winter wheat seed cultivation ensured the highest biological yield of seeds of all varieties of both maturity groups compared to both basic and energy-rich technologies. Significantly higher biological seed yields were observed in medium-ripening varieties compared to medium-early ripening varieties. It should be noted that under the energy-rich technology with the elements of biologization of cultivation, the coefficient of productive tillering and the weight of grains per ear of all varieties were almost the same. Key words: technology, tillering coefficient, mass of grains per ear, productive stems, productivity, seed germination.


The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

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