Dendrobiotic diversity of the «Fastivskyi» landscape park of local significance, its scientific value and preservation state


Levandovska S.1ORCID,Khryk V.1ORCID


1. Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine


The inventory results and comprehensive analysis of tree and shrub plantations of the park-monument of horticultural art of local importance «Fastivskyi» are highlighted. It was established that the park dendroflora is represented by 43 species belonging to 33 genera, 21 families, two classes and two divisions. The division Pinophyta includes 7 species, which are grouped into 6 genera, 3 families, 2 orders, one subclass and one class. The department Magnoliophyta includes 36 species, which are grouped into 27 genera, 18 families, 14 orders, 4 subclasses, and one class. The families Rosaceae (18,6%) and Aceraceae (11,6%) dominate by the number of species. The genus Acer has the greatest species diversity (5 species). Most of the territory of the landmark park (94,12%) is covered with forest, with the predominance of plantations of artificial origin. Forest massifs are mainly formed by Quercus robur L. (50,8 %) and Pinus sylvestris L. (21,3 %). The predominance of woody plant species number over the number of shrub species in the dendroflora indicates the forest type of the park landscape. The park landscape corresponds to the second stage of recreational digression. The landmark park acquires a special natural value due to the oak stands of 101-106 years old and medieval dendroexotics Catalpa bignonioides Walt., Cuninghamia lanceolata Hook., Larix decidua Mill., Pinus strobus L., Phellodеndron amurеnse Maxim. The results of a comprehensive assessment of the park's plantings indicate its significant dendrological value. The lowest is the assessment based on the criteria of the sanitary condition of tree plantations. It was established that the general sanitary condition of park plantations is unsatisfactory: the share (46,0%) of weakened, very weakened and drying trees outweighs the share of healthy ones (35,0%). A significant number of dead trees (19,0%) was found, which indicates the need for immediate reconstruction of the protected object and restoration works. Key words: park-monument of horticultural art, taxonomic composition of dendroflora, introducers, ancient trees, stages of recreational digression, forest pathology examinations, sanitary condition.


The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

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