The influence of different types of milking units on milk quality and safety


Vovkohon A.1,Nadtochiy V.1,Kalinina G.1,Hrebelnyk O.1,Fedoruk N.1,Zagoruy L.1,Halai O.1,Kachan A.1


1. Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine


The article highlights comparative research results of milk quality indices obtained from the milking in specialized milking halls with such milking units as «Parallel», «Carousel» or in stalls with the milking unit «Molokoprovid». The fat and protein mass fraction, dry matter and fat-free dry matter, density, titratable and active acidity, heat resistance and freezing point have been determined according to the accepted techniques. The electrical conductivity of milk has been determined by using the analytical device MD-20 MAS-D-TEC. The total amount of milk bacteria has been determined by reductase reduction test and by seeding method in Petri dish. The milk quality has been investigated by the fermentation and rennet fermentation tests. The higher indices of the fat mass fraction, the protein mass fraction and the dry substance concentration of milk, obtained in specialized milking halls, have been established. This is not statistically significant. Milk, obtained from the milking unit «Molokoprovid», has higher index of titratable acidity, lower thermal stability in comparison with milk, obtained from specialized milking halls with milking units «Parallel» and «Carousel». It has been determined that there is the bacteria insemination increase in milk received from milking cows in stalls in comparison with milk, obtained from milking in specialized halls. Milk, obtained from the milking unit «Carousel», indicates the subclinical form of mastitis in cows or «Carousel» operation violationif there is in 1,8 mS/cm conductivity increase above average index 4,6 mS/cm. Key words: technology, quality and safety of milk, milking, milking unit, milking hall, bacterial insemination.


The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

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