Winter wheat productivity under different systems of typical black soil cultivation and under climatic changes in the conditions of the Left-Bank Forest Steppe


Zadubynna E.1ORCID,Tarasenko O.1ORCID,Bebekh Yu.1ORCID,Ezerkovska L.2ORCID


1. Panfilska DS NSC "Institute of Agriculture NAAS", Panfili, Ukraine

2. Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine


The article highlights the influence of different tillage systems and climate changes on the formation of winter wheat productivity, yield and quality indicators in the conditions of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe. Taking into account the crop importance in Ukraine's food security and its place in world exports, the importance of effective methods development to improve technological performance due to the decrease in the share of high quality grain suitable for milling and baking purposes is emphasized. In particular with the climate changes it is necessary to use of moisture-saving technologies and the introduction of crop rotations with a scientifically based choice of crops with plastic properties to unstable soil and climatic conditions. In the course of the research it was determined how winter wheat productivity is affected by tillage methods – plowing, disking and no-till technology on the example of typical black soil. The analysis of weather conditions was carried out, which revealed that uneven distribution of precipitation with long periods without rain or with high rain intensity during all stages of crop ontogeny are the factors limiting yields and reducing grain quality. At the same time the importance of mineral fertilizers in regulating grain yields and quality under rapid climate changes was also determined. Increased average monthly indicators, characterizing the weather conditions during the studied periods, created risks for the full growth and development of cultivated plants, that was described in detail in the article. According to the research results it was found that the highest yield indexes of winter wheat were obtained during of N120P60K90 application, that in 2021, under traditional plowing, provided 5.2 t/ha of high quality grain with a protein content of 16.4 % and gluten content of 30.45 %. Also in terms of crop yield level and quality indicators the variant of soil protection technology no-till differed little, which produced 4.88 t/ha of grain with a protein content of 15.6 % and 28.7 % of gluten in a favorable 2021. Key words: climate changes, short-term crop rotation, tillage, no-till technology, winter wheat, crop yield, grain quality.


The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

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