Assessment of spring wheat varieties by the productivity elements in the Forest Steppe of Ukraine


Lozinska T.1,Fedoruk Yu.1,Obrajyy S.1


1. Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine


The article highlights the problems of forming the economically valuable features which affect the productivity of soft spring wheat varieties. The structural analysis data reveal that the number of spikelets in the investigated varieties of wheat ears ranged within 15.4 pcs. In the Triso variety to 20.1 pcs. in the Kharkivska 30, the rate for the variety standard was registered 16.0. The variability amplitude rate varied from 2.0 spikelets in Hordynya and Simkoda Myronivska varieties to 5.0 in the Kharkivska 30 and standart Elhiya Myronivska varieties. The variability range of spikelets number in an ear in the Hordynya, Simkoda Myronivska and Speranza varieties and the average one in all the other varieties was revealed. It was established that grains number in soft spring wheat varieties ranged from 41.1 grains in the Tria variety to 52.6 in the Hordynya variety, in the standard variety of Elehiya Myronivska the rate leveled 36.3. Thus, in all the studied varieties the number of grains in an ear exceeded the standard. The variability of grains number in an ear was significant in the Speranza variety, while in other varieties as well as in the standard sort of Elehiya Myronivska it was medium. It was shown that an ear grains weight in the varieties ranged from of 1.6 g in the Triso variety to 2.2 g in the Hordynya variety. This feature varied in the varieties by the variability range. The largest (1.1 g) it was in the the Hordynya and Speranza varieties, the smallest (0.5 g) – in the variety of Simkoda Myronivska. The variation factor proved significant variability of the trait in the Trizo and Speranza varieties and in the variety standard. All the other studied varieties were the average variability of grain weight in an ear. It was found that all but wheat varieties of soft spring wheat had high indices of 1000 seeds and this trait variation was insignificant indicated by the variation ratewhich was below 10 %. The correlation of crop yield and the basic economically valuable traits are analyzed; positive and negative correlations are established. It was noted that the crop yield of the studied soft spring wheat varieties correlates most closely with the number of grain in an ear (r = 0.77 ± 0.06) and the number of spikelets in an ear (r = 0.61 ± 0.07), and therefore it is necessary to pay attention to these data uppermost. Thus, the study of economically valuable traits of modern varieties of soft spring wheat reveals different variability nature and correlation degrees which enables to define the sources of economically valuable traits in the studied varieties and to further use them in research and selection programs as valuable parent material. Key words: spring wheat, varieties, productivity, ears number, grains number, grain weight, weight of 1000 seeds, correlation.


The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

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