Organizational and economic relations in the chain supply of milk and dairy products


Paska I.1ORCID,Grinchuk Yu.1ORCID,Artimonova I.1ORCID


1. Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine


The article discusses the organizational and economic relations between the participants in the supply chain of milk and dairy products. Generally, organizational and economic relations are a set of relations between the participants of the dairy products chain, which are formed in the process of production, distribution and sale to consumers, as a result of which the economic interests of all its participants are realized. The peculiarities of dairy products of the chain are systematized and the basic principles, conditions for their balanced development are determined, contributes to the coordination of the economic interests of all its participants. It has been proved that economic interest is an important component of organizational and economic relations in the supply chain of milk and dairy products, and its main elements are: prices for raw materials and fnished products, costs of production, processing of raw materials, transportation, terms of mutual settlements, material interest of personnel, norms of fulfllment of contractual obligations, risks and the like. Review of the negative factors of organizational and economic relations in the dairy product chain and their impact on the effectiveness of each of its participants. As a tool to increase the production of raw milk, it is proposed to optimize the raw material zones of dairy processing enterprises, develop strategic programs for the development of the industry and stimulate consumer demand, as well as create industry clusters. The calculations for the distribution of costs and income between participants in the supply chain of milk and milk products prove the need to ensure the equivalence of exchange. In order to improve the efciency of the researcher, it was proposed to increase the volume of milk production and processing, as well as to establish mutually benefcial relations between its participants, connected by a single production cycle. The directions of innovation and investment development of the participants in the dairy products chain, especially the link of dairy cattle breeding, are highlighted. It is highlighted that the innovative renewal of the activities of the chain participants is a process of cyclical activities focused on the production of competitive dairy products of a new generation, which will contribute to an increase in turnover in order to obtain the highest proft of the chain participants and satisfy the demand of consumers with different income levels. Key words: dairy products chain, chain participants, exchange equivalence, organizational and economic relations.


The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

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