Ultrasonic control over the course of the postnatal period and diagnosis of obstetric pathology in the bitches


Cherkavskyi S.1,Vlasenko S.1,Jerochenko O.1


1. Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine


The article presents the results of ultrasound examination of uterine females in the postpartum period. It is established that during its physiological course on the 3rd day, the cervix and body of the uterus are placed in the pelvic cavity dorsally with respect to the bladder, and the horns of the uterus - in the abdominal cavity cranially, in the area of - the loops of the large intestine. On the ultrasound it is noted that the horns of the uterus are expanded, with a diameter of 15-18 mm. The walls of the horns are thickened, with sections from 4 mm to 6 mm. Its tissues are of average echogenicity, of heterogeneous consistency. Hypoechoic homogeneous content is observed in the visualized uterine cavity. In females with delayed litter during this period, uterine horns with a diameter of 1.91–1.96 cm were visualized, with a thickened wall that had hypoechoic areas. In addition, the endometrial relief was folded, uneven, and in some places, its desquamated fragments were visualized. Diagnostic sign of delay of litter was the detection in the uterine cavity of tissue structures of amniotic membranes with increased echogenicity. On the 7th day after childbirth, ultrasound signs of metritis were detected on the background of the delay of the litter. The uterine wall reached 3.3–3.9 cm, had a heterogeneous tissue structure and increased echogenicity. In the internal relief of the uterus, areas of desquamated endometrium were visualized and hyperechogenic contents were present in the uterine cavity. It is proved that ultrasound scan of the uterus into the bough is an eff ective method of monitoring the course of postpartum involution and provides early diagnosis of obstetric pathology. The main diagnostic ultrasound indicator for the delay of litter in the boughs is the visualization of the structures of the amniotic membranes in the uterine cavity, hyperechogenic areas and thickening of its walls. The development of postpartum metritis is indicated by signifi cant thickening of the uterus and its mucous membrane, areas of desquamated endometrium and the presence of hyperechoic content in the uterine cavity. Key words: bitch, postpartum period, uterine involution, delay of litter, metritis, ultrasound.


The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University


General Medicine

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