1. ФГБУ «РОНЦ им. Н.Н. Блохина» МЗ РФ
Successes in combined treatment of maxillofacial cancer diseases lead to significant increasing of life expectancy, and as a result to growth of lung metastasis frequency. That’s why one of the steps of these diseases therapy is operative metastasectomy. As you know separate lung ventilation, one lung collapse and accordingly one lung ventilation often has to be in thoracic surgery. Earlier we achieved it by usage double-lumen endotracheal tubes. The review of last scientific publications about anesthesia in cancer thoracic surgery convincingly and authentically shew that current bronchial blockers provided safe lung separation in that cases when it didn’t get to spend one lung ventilation because of impossibility to use double-lumen tube. The medical indications for usage bronchial blockers are maxillofacial deformations, abnormal tracheobronchial anatomy, the morbid obesity and tracheostomy. We have analyzed 40 successful cases of modern bronchial blockers application for providing lung collapse on the operation side, estimated possibilities and shown the results of bronchial blockers usage during operations in thoracic cancer surgery.
Practical Medicine Publishing House
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