1. Pirogov Russia National Research Medical University (RNRMU), Moscow, Russia
2. The Charitable Foundation for the Development of Palliative Care “Childrenʼs Palliative”, Moscow, Russia
3. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS (IPCE RAS), Moscow, Russia
4. Republican Childrenʼs Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk, Russia
5. Tambov Regional Childrenʼs Clinical Hospital, Tambov, Russia
6. Artyomovskaya Childrenʼs Hospital, Artyom, Russia
7. The Childrenʼs Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia
8. Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2 of the Tyumen Region, Tyumen, Russia