COVID-19 in pregnant women of Siberia and the Far East. Article


Artymuk N.V.1ORCID,Belokrinitskaya T.E.2ORCID,Filippov O.S.3ORCID,Shifman E.M.4ORCID


1. Kemerovo State Medical University

2. Chita State Medical Academy

3. A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

4. Moscow's regional Research Clinical Institute n.a. Vladimirsky


The purpose of the study was to conduct a comparative assessment of the incidence and characteristics of the course of the NCI COVID-19 in pregnant women in the Siberian Federal District and Far Eastern Federal District. Materials and methods. The analysis of operational information on the incidence of NCI COVID-19 and the features of the course in pregnant women, women in childbirth and puerperas provided by the chief obstetrician-gynecologists of the Siberian Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District on May 25, 2020 is carried out. Results. The results of the study showed that the proportion of pregnant women among patients with COVID-19 in the Siberian Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District is 0.82 %. Pneumonia was registered in almost every third patient (28.4 %), but the disease, on the whole, was characterized by a milder course than in the general population of patients: a severe form of the disease was diagnosed in 3.6 % of women, hospitalization in RAO was performed in 1.9 % of cases, mechanical ventilation was required by 0.6 % of patients. There were no cases of maternal and perinatal mortality. Conclusion. The course of the disease in pregnant women in the Siberian Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District was characterized by a milder course relative to the general patient population. However, final conclusions can only be drawn after the pandemic is over. щей популяции больных. Однако окончательные выводы можно будет сделать только после завершения пандемии.


Practical Medicine Publishing House

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