1. Diagnostics and Cardiovascular Surgery Center (cardiology clinic), Surgut, Russia; Surgut State University, Surgut, Russia
2. Medical and Sanitary Unit «Neftyanik», Tyumen, Russia
OBJECTIVE: Studying the influence of early nasogastric (NG) and nasojejunal (NJ) probe feeding in patients with predictors of severe acute pancreatitis on the course and outcome of the disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An open randomized controlled study was performed in Neftyanik Occupational Healthcare Facility ICU. 64 patients with predictors of severe acute pancreatitis (APACHE II > 8, CRP > 150 mg/l, SOFA > 2) randomized by the envelope method for early (the first 24 hrs.) nasogastic or nasojejunal feeding. The standard polymer feeding formula enriched with dietary fibers was administered during the first 5 (five) days taking into account its tolerability. Raw data were statistically processed using SPSS-26 software. RESULTS: Comparison of the NG (n = 33) vs. NJ (n = 31) groups produced the following results: the duration (days) of treatment in the hospital was 21 (12; 42) vs. 24 (11; 35), p = 0.715; in ICU — 4 (2; 20) vs. 4 (3; 13), p = 0.803; mechanical ventilation (MV) — 1 (1; 3) vs. 1 (1; 1), p = 0.124; mortality — OR 0.830 (95 % CI 0.201–3.422), p = 0.796; severity (moderately severe or severe) — OR 1.29 (95 % CI 0.483–3.448), p = 0.611; number of patients subjected to surgery during the first period of the disease — OR 0.774 (95 % CI 0.243–2.467), p = 0.665; and second period of the disease — OR 1.682 (95 % CI 0.623–4.546), p = 0.305. CONCLUSIONS: No difference has been found between the groups of patients with severe disease predictors, who received early nasogastric or nasojejunal tube feeding using standard polymer formula with dietary fibers during early acute pancreatitis, as regards duration of treatment in the hospital, in ICU, numbers of mechanically ventilated patients, patients operated during the first and second disease periods, disease severity or mortality.
Practical Medicine Publishing House
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