Relevance of Positron-Emission Therapy for Optimization of Treatment of Advanced Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Using Intensive ЕАСОРР-14 Program


Demina Elena Andreevna1,Leont'eva A.A.1,Tumyan G.S.1,Ryabukhina Yu.E1,Medvedovskaya E.G.1,Trofimova O.P.1,Sotnikov V.M.2,Larionova V.B.1,Paramonova E.V.1,Manzyuk L.V.1,Kokosadze N.V.1,Mukhortova O.V.3,Aslanidi I.P.3,Zaitseva A.Yu.4,Radkevich L.A.4,Rudas M.S.5,Manukova V.A.5,Osmanov E.A.1


1. NN Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center

2. Russian Scientific Center of Roentgenoradiology under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

3. AN Bakulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery

4. Clinical Hospital No. 1 under the Administration of Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation

5. Central Clinical Hospital under the Administration of Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation


Aim. To evaluate the relevance of the positron-emission therapy (PET) for optimization of the therapy of advanced Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) using the intensive EACOPP-14 program. Materials & Methods. 91 patients with advanced HL (IIX-IIE, III-IV) received the treatment according to the “ЛХМосква1-3” protocol over the period from November 2009 to February 2015, and then the treatment was analyzed. The median age was 29 years (range: 17-50); there were 42 men (46.3 %) and 49 (53.7 %) women. The treatment included 6 cycles of polychemotherapy according to the regimen ЕА(50)С0РР-14 ± radiation therapy. The radiation therapy was performed in 66 patients (72.5 %) after the completion of the chemotherapy. The cumulative focal dose was 30 Gy onto the areas of residual lesions and/or initially large tumor masses. Results. PET performed during the initial HL diagnosing permited to identify new areas of neoplastic lesions without changes in staging and treatment scheme, as well as specify areas and field size of planned radiation consolidation. The paper confirms the prognostic value of the intermediate PET in patients with advanced HL during the intensive first-line chemotherapy. The intensive therapy at the beginning of the treatment program is associated with higher chances for survival for patients with extremely unfavorable prognosis. After completion of the drug therapy, negative PET findings had a higher prognostic value, than the positive ones. The analysis of the relevance of residual tumor dimensions in the PET negative group demonstrated that the relapses were more common, if the residual tumor was more than 4.5 cm (according to CT findings). Conclusion. This study confirmed that it reasonable to discuss the discontinuation of the radiation therapy in patients with advanced HL, negative PET findings and small (< 2.5 cm) residual tumor after the intensive ЕАСОРР-14 program. This tactics permits avoiding a number of delayed complications.


Practical Medicine Publishing House



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