Hemostasis Disorders in Patients with De Novo Acute Leukemias


Polevodova O.A.1,Galstyan Gennadii Martinovich1ORCID,Troitskaya V.V.1,Orel E.B.1,Drokov M.Yu.1ORCID,Parovichnikova E.N.1ORCID


1. National Research Center for Hematology


Aim. To study hemostasis disorders in patients with de novo acute leukemias (AL) prior to chemotherapy. Materials & Methods. The study enrolled 107 patients with newly diagnosed AL, aged 18-80 years and treated at the National Research Center for Hematology. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) was identified in 37 patients, acute myeloid leukemia (AML) was diagnosed in 46 patients, and acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) was reported in 24 patients. Hemorrhagic and thrombotic complications were analyzed; platelet count, APPT, prothrombin and fibrinogen concentration were determined; thromboelastography (TEG; native tests, functional fibrinogen tests) and rotation thromboelastometry (ROTEM; EXTEM, INTEM, FIBTEM, APTEM) were performed. The data were statistically processed using SAS 9.4 software. Results. At AL onset hemorrhagic syndrome was detected in 34 (32 %) out of 107 patients. It was manifested by petechia (n = 16), subcutaneous hematomas (n = 12), gingival (n = 10) and nose (n = 6) bleeding, uterine bleeding (n = 2), hematuria (n = 2), gastrointestinal bleeding (n = 1), brain hemorrhage (n = 6), and periorbital hematoma (n = 1). According to TEG and ROTEM hypocoagulation was more common in APL patients. Hyperfibrinolysis could be detected using only ROTEM in 54 % of APL patients, in 8 % of ALL and 4 % of AML patients. Compared to other AL patients those with APL showed different parameters of fibrinogen concentration of < 1.75 g/L (sensitivity 83.3 %, specificity 83.13 %), D-dimer concentration of > 2686 pg/L (sensitivity 72.73 %, specificity 64.79 %), MCF<sub>FIBTEM</sub> < 12.5 mm (sensitivity 80 %, specificity 80 %), and MA<sub>FF</sub> < 9.7 mm (sensitivity 86.96 %, specificity 90.12 %). Conclusion. The parameters that distinguish APL from other categories of AL patients are hypofibrinogenemia, higher D-dimer concentration, ROTEM changes, and hyperfibrinolysis.


Practical Medicine Publishing House



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