Do human rights really protect us? The evolution of the concept of human rights influenced by the work of the inter-american court of human rights


Abbott Max Silva


This text explores the growing influence of International Human Rights Law, focusing on the Inter-American System. It argues that human rights have attained a status akin to a "secular religion," shaping the legitimacy of states globally. Criticizing the hierarchical and unaccountable nature of bodies issuing internationally recognized treaties, the text examines specific characteristics of the Inter-American Human Rights Law, such as autonomous treaty interpretation and the control of conventionality doctrine. The concept of a "minimum standard" is scrutinized, raising concerns about the infallibility of treaty body  interpretations. The existence of parallel legal orders and the relationship between national and international frameworks is discussed, unveiling potential challenges and an "infallibility complex" among human rights defenders.


Uniwersytet Kardynala Stefana Wyszynskiego

Reference79 articles.

1. Max Silva Abbott, Ligia de Jesús Castaldi (2016), “¿Se comporta la Corte Interamericana como tribunal (internacional)? Algunas reflexiones a propósito de la supervisión de cumplimiento del Caso Artavia Murillo vs. Costa Rica”, Prudentia Iuris, vol. 82.

2. Max Silva Abbott (2019), “Algunos de los nuevos derechos humanos como instrumentos de dominación”, in: Manuel Ramos-Kuri, Augusto Herrera Fragoso, Manuel Santos, eds, El Embrión Humano. Una Defensa Desde la Antropología, la Biología del Desarrollo y los Derechos Humanos, Tirant Lo Blanch.

3. Susana Albanese, “La fórmula de la cuarta instancia”, p. 7, in LexisNexis, Lexis Nº 0003/001051,

4. Humberto Nogueira Alcalá (2011), “Los desafíos del control de convencionalidad del corpus iuris interamericano para las jurisdicciones nacionales”, Boletín Mexicano de Derecho Comparado [BMDC], vol. 45, no. 135 (Sept. 26, 2011).

5. Humberto Nogueira Alcalá (2012), “Diálogo Interjurisdiccional, Control de Convencionalidad y Jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional en el Período 2006-2011”, Estudios Constitucionales, vol. 10 no. 2.







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