Inclusive Education in Times of Migration: Problems and Challenges


Wójcik Katarzyna


Inclusive education aims to include students with special educational needs (SEN) in mainstream education, providing an alternative to integration education and special education in Poland. It includes the education of students with both positive and negative deviations with different characteristics, e.g. disabilities, adaptation difficulties, e.g. migrants. Parents play an important role in the educational process of this group and, therefore, the interaction of the school with the family of the students with SEN is indispensable. The present paper addresses the problems and challenges of inclusive education in the age of migration, related to the interaction of the primary school with the family of the student with SEN, especially with the parents of students with the decisions about the need for special education. The research looked at the determinants of the interaction process such as the behavior of parents of students with SEN towards teachers. The results of the study showed the occurrence of negative behaviors that determine the course of the interaction process.


Uniwersytet Kardynala Stefana Wyszynskiego

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