A “God-Bearing Nation”: Religious Aspects of the Russian Concept of State Authority


Składanowski MarcinORCID


In the context of Russia’s confrontation with the West, especially after the beginning of the war against Ukraine on 24 February 2022, one can be surprised by the extent of support that President Putin enjoys in the Russian society. The author hypothesizes that this phenomenon cannot be explained with the help of political factors only. The article aims to demonstrate the ideological significance of Russian Orthodox tradition in the process of forming and reaffirming the Russian concept of state authority. After outlining the main issues related to the ideological legitimization of authority in Russia, two religiously rooted concepts are discussed: the “Third Rome” and “God-bearing.” These concepts also explain why the Russian Orthodox Church has almost unequivocally supported Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine.


Uniwersytet Kardynala Stefana Wyszynskiego


Religious studies

Reference76 articles.

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