The zeitgeist of Continuing Education and Training viz. CET organizations globally is in tandem with the fast-shifting dynamics as well as altering mindsets pertaining to lifelong learning. Particularly for developing countries like Türkiye, a country which is highly heterogenous vis-à-vis its demographic structure, these changes are worthy of dwelling on. The present qualitative study intends to delve into the current practices in the CET organizations in question via seeking first-hand-information of leaders (heads / principals / coordinators / administrators) as well as those attending the said organizations with a view to shedding light to the practicum in relation to reaching out communities outside the immediate shareholders. Whilst doing so it is attempted to cast light on the challenges of novel sort too. The main research questions: 1) What leadership styles come to the forefront in CET organizations to better serve the society? 2) What are the perceived challenges and how are these addressed? 3) How is the future of CET organizations respecting catering to community needs in a quality fashion? The study is conducted with 10 leaders alongside 6 attendees of CET organizations in various regions of Türkiye, resorting to purposeful sampling and by carrying out semi-structured interviews on a one-to-one basis. The findings indicate the leaders along with the attendees of CETs as the participants of this study hold views that do not bear a lot of resemblance yet there exist some commonalities in this regard.
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