1. (1) S. Li: Untersuchungen über Taifune, Veröff. d. Meteorol. Inst. d. Univ. Berlin, Bd. 1, Heft 5, 1936.
2. (2) Some New Zealand Weather Charts, Gerl. Beitr. z. Geophys. Vol. 40, pp. 206-225, 1933.
3. (1) Frontal Methods of Weather Analysis applied to the Australia-New Zealand Area, New Zealand Meteorological Branch Publication, 1935.
4. (1) The Cyclonic Storms in Northern New Zealand on the 2nd February and the 26th March, 1936, New Zealand Meteorological Office, Note No. 22, 1938.
5. (1) Stephen S. Visher and D. hodge: Australian Hurricanes and Related Storms with an Appendix on Hurricanes in the South Pacific, Melbourne, 1925; Stephen S. Visher: Tropical Cyclones in Australia and the South Pacific and Indian Oceans, Monthly Weather Review, 1922, 288-295.