1. 1) Air Weather Service, Techinical Report 105-128, 1954: Mean contours, isotachs, and isotherms over the Northern Hemisphere at the 300-, 200-, and 100- mb levels — January, February, July and August, 1949.
2. 2) Arakawa, H. 1956: Basic principles of the balloon bomb. Pap. Meteor. Geophys. Tokyo, 6, 239-243.
3. 3) Geophysical Research Directorate, Air Force Cambridge Research Center, Air Research and Development Command, 1956: Compilations of meteorologically useful data from Project “Moby Dick,” ten sections.
4. 4) Neiburger, M., and James K. Angell, 1956: Meteorological applications of constant-pressure balloon trajectories. J. Meteor. 13, 166-194.