1. Asai, T., 1964: Photographic observation of clouds by aircraft during snowfall period in Hokuriku District. J, meteor. Soc. Japan, Ser. II, 42, 186-196.
2. Asai, T., 1965: Cloud bands over the Japan Sea off Hokuriku District during a cold air outburst. (to be published).
3. Fujita, T. and H.R. Byers, 1960: Model of hail cloud as revealed by photogrammetric analysis. Tech. Rep. No. 3, Univ. of Chicago, 9pp.
4. Fujita, T., 1963: A technique for precise analysis for satellite data ; volume 1-photogrammetry. Meteorological Satellite Laboratory Report No. 14, U.S. Weather Bureau, 106pp.
5. Heavy Snow Storm Research Group, 1965: Aerophotographic observation of cloud over the coastal area of the Japan Sea in winter of 1964. Papers in Meteor. and Geophys., 1.5, 216-228.