
HUROCHKINA Victoriia1,Kohut Sergii2


1. Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration, State Tax University

2. Department of Economics Entrepreneurship and Business Administration, State Tax University


The article describes the components of Ukraine’s energy balance, presents analytical data in terms of the components: production of fuel and energy and their shares in the total volume; indicators of export-import operations on the energy market by types of resources; volumes of total supply by types of energy resources and their structure. The renewable energy sector of Ukraine is analyzed in the context of ensuring the national interests. The need for alternative ways is substantiated. The legislative framework for the development of the energy sector and the implementation of mechanisms for the use of renewable energy sources has been systematized. The dynamics of the level of settlements with producers under the «green» tariff are presented. The goals of the National economic strategy for the period until 2030 and the share of renewable energy sources in the overall structure of electricity production are given. The vector of the Economics Strategy of Ukraine is indicated, which emphasizes the need to increase the capacity of energy storage, consider the possibility of hydrogen production, and regulate the operation of local electricity generation from renewable sources. The author’s vision regarding the expediency of introducing the offshore wind energy market in Ukraine is presented, justifying it by adapting the European experience and the countries of the Energy Community that have access to the Black Sea, while taking into account the significant volumes of indicators of the development of wind energy and the reduction of CO2 emissions in the country. It was noted that this is one of the best options to accelerate the achievement of the goals of the European Green Deal and RePowerEU program. It was noted that despite the shutdown and damage to renewable energy facilities and the need to fulfill financial obligations to domestic and foreign creditors, all the country's companies working in the renewable energy sector, from the very beginning of the war, defended the sovereignty and integrity of Ukraine, provided support to Ukrainian military and other national security bodies, provided humanitarian and medical aid to the local population, organized the evacuation of people, and allocated additional financial resources to ensure protection. It is emphasized that, according to the National plan for reducing emissions of large power plants in Ukraine, which contains a description of the requirements for reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and fine dust, the Government of the country and relevant Ministries are obliged to stimulate the modernization and decommissioning of part of the park of thermal power plants by 2033. The amount of electricity lost to both domestic consumption and exports over the next five years due to the degradation of fossil-fueled infrastructure will only be met by renewable power plants. By generating electricity from wind and solar energy, consumers do not depend on the quantity and quality of fuel, the terms of its extraction and delivery, availability of space for fuel storage or disposal of waste obtained from it.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

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