
MULYK Tetiana1,TOMCHUK Olena1,MULYK Yaroslavna1


1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


The article examines analytical tools for control and monitoring of public procurement. It was determined that after the launch of the ProZorro system and the publication of a significant amount of open data, many tools and services have appeared in Ukraine to help analyze and monitor public procurement and its participants. The information on analytical tools for controlling and monitoring public procurement is updated at The role of monitoring in the field of public procurement is described. The reasons for the decision to start monitoring procurement are highlighted. It is determined that the monitoring portal DoZorro is a platform where each participant of the system can give feedback to a state customer or supplier, discuss and evaluate the terms of a particular procurement, analyze the procurement of a particular government agency or institution, prepare and submit an official appeal to the regulatory authorities and much more. The opportunities for any procurement participants provided by the DoZorro portal are described. The DoZorro monitoring portal includes: analytics modules, tools for customers, tools for research of cash flow, tools for research of participants, tools of judicial practice, AMCU practice, and practice of monitoring authorities. Each tool has its own characteristics and capabilities. If you choose the right service, you can find the information you need, or get the desired result much faster and better. The capabilities of the public analytics module are given and detailed in detail. It has a large list of criteria by which you can select purchases, plans, suppliers, customers and consists of specific applications. Its structure is represented by the following appendices: planning stages and incorrect plan points, governing body panel, medical procurement, ESCO procurement stage. The capabilities of the professional analytics module, the medical analytics module, risk indicators DoZorro, procurement COVID-19 are also described. The procedure for using indicators to form a queue of risky procurement procedures is presented. It is determined that the researched tools allow to analyze purchases in an electronic system and allow to display in real time information about announced procurements, information about customers, participants, complaints, contracts and other information from the central database.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

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