
VOVK Valeriia1


1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


The article explores the economic essence of the concept of “waste-free technologies” and it was determined that the main idea of waste-free production is the conversion of residues of secondary raw materials and waste obtained in the production process into finished products, which is able to bring economic benefits to the enterprise. Has been analyzed the dynamics of the volume of generated and utilized agricultural waste in Ukraine in 2010-2019. And it was determined that no more than 30% of waste is disposed of, the share of which has been rapidly decreasing in recent years. It was noted that the agro-industrial complex is one of the material-intensive and high-waste sectors of the economy, which accounts for a significant part of greenhouse gas emissions - more than 12%. It is concluded that the introduction of waste-free production technologies in agricultural enterprises of Ukraine will not only reduce the amount of waste generated and their impact on the environment, but it is also a source of income by replenishing the energy balance of enterprises. Attention is paid to the most promising direction for the introduction of waste-free technologies at agricultural enterprises - the production of biogas from organic waste (biomass). It is noted that agricultural waste, mainly animal waste, such as manure, chicken droppings, can be an additional source of replenishing the energy balance of agricultural enterprises and ensuring the energy security of the region. Have been analyzed the volumes of animal waste generation in Ukraine and the potential for biogas production from manure in Ukraine in 2020. A sample of the 10 largest biogas plants in Ukraine was carried out and the further development of the bioenergy sector in 2050 in terms of biogas production was predicted. 6 main environmental effects from the introduction of biogas complexes in Ukraine were identified. The main directions of the European Green Deal are characterized and the key areas of harmonization of domestic legislation on waste management are given with European ones.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

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