


1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


It has been substatiated in the article that renewable energy sources have recently become one of the important criteria for the sustainable development of rural areas. The emphasis is placed on the search for new and improved existing technologies for the production of alternative energy sources, expansion of their implementation areas. It is substantiated that the main reasons for such attention to the energy supply of rural territories are expected exhaustion of fossile fuels resourses, sharp increase in their prices, imperfections and low efficiency of their use technologies, harmful effects on the environment. It is shown that the situation of energy dependence can be changed by conducting the corresponding energy policy, improving the regulatory framework and attracting investment in the development of non-traditional and renewable energy sources. It is highlighted that Ukraine has sufficient opportunities to provide an adequate amount of biofuels, primarily through the use of biomass potential of agricultural crops and fast-growing energy crops. It is researched that in conditions of a complex socio-economic situation in Ukraine, a significant energy dependence on energy imports, the search for alternative energy sources is of particular relevance. It is estimated that Ukraine is among the dozens of countries - the largest consumers of energy resources, with a small share in the structure of the world's product. It is proved that energy saving today becomes one of the most important priorities of socio-economic development in the national and regional dimensions. The necessary condition for successful work in national and world agrarian markets is constant work on increasing the competitiveness of products, in particular, reducing its value by reducing the energy intensity of production. It is substantiated that agricultural producers are actively working on the issue of reducing energy consumption per unit of output. It is determined that the majority of these measures is aimed at increasing the productivity of agricultural crops, increasing productivity of the livestock sector, technical and technological re-equipment of the production process. It was emphasized that special attention should be paid to the branches of animal husbandry, because this industry is a serious source of alternative energy production. This applies not only the large live-stock producing agro-holdings but also the small households that operate in rural areas, for which live-stock production is subsidied by the state. Besides, it may become a source of energy supplies for their own needs as well. It was investigated that each year large livestock farms and poultry farms can receive environmentally friendly biofuels in an anaerobic way and significantly improve the quality of sewage. It is determined that thermal efficiency of cogeneration units of biogas production depends very much on equipment for electricity generation. For example, the use of gas-fired internal combustion engines has a thermal efficiency of 70% to 75%, while in the case of using gas turbines and boiler-wastes thermal efficiency can reach more than 90%. It is concluded that one of the ways to reduce the dependence on energy imports and to improve ecology in rural areas of Ukraine is to develop alternative energy generation in agro-industrial complex. Ukraine should create all opportunities for the development of innovative technologies for the implementation of renewable energy sources; to provide conditions for serial production and implementation of bioenergy facilities; to promote the formation of the equal competitive environment for different types of fuel. This will promote green energy production


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

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