
KYSH Liydmila1


1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


In the conditions of modern market economy the role of logistic grows constantly. Speed of товаропотоків and volume of the attracted money depends on the effective planning and co-ordination of logistic chains of delivery. The logistic providing foresees a complex from the management of deliveries chains, which is used for satisfaction of necessities of clients by planning, control and introduction of the effective moving and storage of corresponding information, commodities and services from the place of production to the place of consumption. A management logistic helps companies to decrease expenses and promote the level of service of customers. As a rule, large retail dealers or producers own basic parts of the logistic network. Most companies, however, pass to this function the mediators. To the number of basic factors of rapid introduction of logistic in a world economy belong: - dynamic development of information technologies; - globalization of markets; - structural changes are in organization of business; - philosophy of management quality. Modern development of logistic status is characterized by a few tendencies: by computerization of logistic operations, expansion of containertraffics, minimization of charges, related to transporting, storage, repacking, custom registration; by the increase of demand on high-quality logistic services; diminishing of charges of producers due to optimization of logistic chains. Negative factors which influence on market of logistic services development in Ukraine is dissatisfaction by demand on a ware-house economy and a transport infrastructure is developed not enough, absence of skilled shots in logistic. Transformation of logistic infrastructure must be based on approach of the systems, which enables to ground strategy of her development and working out in detail in perspective and current plans. The basic result of optimization of logistic infrastructure must be minimization of charges on maintenance of materially-material streams. Perspective direction of further researches is a study of directions of optimization of logistic charges during organization of international transportations.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Reference15 articles.

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