
TYMKOVA Valentyna1


1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


The article states that the organization of modern production and commercial structures, changes in the political and economic life of our state contribute to the active replenishment of the Ukrainian language with the new terms of the economic sphere. It is noted that at the present stage, foreign-language borrowings take a significant place in the lexical composition of the Ukrainian literary language, because in general appearing of borrowings in terminology is a natural process common for all languages ​​of the world. There remain actual proposals that the full development of a given terminology system is possible only under the condition the balance of national and international components is preserved. New economic terms have filled our language and at present time, this tendency is preserved. It has been found out that having a significant word-formation and lexical vocabulary, the Ukrainian language can present such subtle shades of meanings ​​that can not be represented in other words. It has been proved that this contributes to the selection of a successful national term, therefore, it is not necessary to abuse our language with foreign-language words. An important role in the preparation of a language-competent specialist belongs to the language, in particular, to such an important its branch as terminology. It is known that terminological vocabulary plays an important role in the vocabulary of the Ukrainian literary language. It is the indicator of the development level of scientific vocabulary in society and, as a result, of science in general. Terminological vocabulary is a kind of barometer that determines the level of vocational education, since rich and branched terminology is undoubtedly one of the important indicators of the level of vocational education in the state. The vocabulary of the economic profile is that part of the vocabulary of the language, which includes the concepts denoting the names of objects, phenomena, processes of socio-economic life. It is connected with relevant sciences and spheres of economic life - management, marketing, finance, law, production, taxation, statistics, insurance, etc. To one of the main sources of the formation of modern Ukrainian economic vocabulary belong foreign language borrowings. At the same time, at the Ukrainian language professionally-oriented classes of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, in the process of teaching economic terminology, much attention is paid to the Ukrainian terms, which determine the national specificity of the Ukrainian language, for example: funds, estimates, cost, purchase, sale, etc., to their formation and correct use in professional language. In the modern world, terminology plays an important role in people’s communicating as it is a powerful source of information. Besides, terminology is a part of the vocabulary that is extremely sensitive to external influences. The maximum number of foreign language borrowings is recorded in those areas where the closest interaction of languages ​​and cultures occurs. This is primarily economy. Modern economic terminology is being renewed, improved according to the development and improvement of the economic sphere. The process of correlation of national and foreign-language components in the system of Ukrainian financial and economic terminology is especially felt today, when the dynamics of borrowing English-language terminology units as special names of new phenomena and concepts has become much more active. At the same time, we observe a tendency towards excessive usage of borrowings of English-speaking origin in financial and economic terminology, unjustified usage of foreign language units under the condition of existing the autochthonous correspondences with the same meaning. Therefore, the need for a professional evaluation of English term usage in the financial and economic terminology of the Ukrainian language is in time.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

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