1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of waste formation during the hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. With the beginning of active hostilities in the russian federation on the territory of our country is the destruction of industrial and communal facilities, there is a mass movement of people to the western regions and abroad, disrupting natural ecosystems, leading to large amounts of waste. The classification of wastes which are generated during hostilities is presented: military, wastes from demolition and damaged buildings, household and similar wastes, wastes from destruction of industrial objects, wastes of animal husbandry, medical wastes, natural burials. The peculiarities of each of the types of waste are determined and the directions of their effective management are outlined. It is substantiated that hazardous military waste requires safe disposal by the military and the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (hereinafter – SES); it is possible to reuse the metal from the damaged military equipment. It is noted that waste from damage of buildings and industrial facilities can be divided into safe, which can be partially reused in construction, and hazardous, which require disposal. The directions of medical waste management are outlined, which are massively generated both in hospitals in relatively «quiet» regions, where the wounded are brought, and in combat zones in the provision of emergency medical care – they must be disposed of according to medical protocols. Livestock waste (dead animals and poultry, products of their vital activity) in the zone of active hostilities during the destruction of poultry farms and farms may pose an ecological danger. The prospects of their use for energy purposes – as raw materials for biogas production are determined. The terrible consequence of the war is the formation of natural burials. The necessity of exhumation and reburial of the dead in specialized. Ways to reduce the generation of household waste in regions where internally displaced persons moved en masse are proposed. An algorithm for sorting these wastes with the separation of components that can be reused during hostilities or for other purposes is presented.
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
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