


1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


The article is devoted to the study of the issues of efficient management of solid household waste (SHW) in Ukraine, which provides the improvement of its sorting and logistics. The composition of solid household waste in the context of world countries by the level of development, geographical principle in comparison with Ukraine was studied. It is substantiated that despite the differences in the composition of waste in our and European countries, its calorific value is approximately the same, which determines the possibility of energy use. The current state of solid household waste sorting in Ukraine is analyzed, it is determined that today it is mainly sorted into mixed (wet) and dry, there is a separate sorting of some types of waste: glass, paper, metal, plastic. A logical scheme of the existing separate sorting and management of household waste in Ukraine was built, which showed the differences from the best European practices in this field. It is proposed to improve the solid household waste sorting system through the introduction of eight types of containers, which will allow to obtain more homogeneous flows of standard waste and facilitate its further useful use. It is proposed to introduce the compensation payments for sorted waste. The logistics of solid household waste has been improved through proposals for the introduction of vacuum sorting stations for waste transportation. Their advantages are environmental friendliness, automation that minimizes the human factor, high speed of transportation. The management of household and similar waste in Ukraine has been studied and it has been determined that the main direction of its further use is disposal in specially equipped landfills (more than 40%), and energy use by incineration does not reach 2%. The characteristics of waste recycling in the countries of the world are given, which has shown significant achievements in the fuller use of waste potential as a valuable secondary raw material. The ecological, energy, social and economic effects of the introduction of a sustainable solid waste management system in Ukraine are substantiated.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


Materials Chemistry

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