1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
The article carries out an epistemological analysis of the author's interpretations of the essence of marketing management according to the selected conceptual approaches, which has made it possible to establish that the set of interpretations of such a complex economic category is different, which depends on the main components of the system, which in a certain period of time form its influence on the activities of agricultural enterprises. The subject, purpose, tasks, functions and tasks of marketing management of agricultural enterprises are defined. The author’s definition of marketing management of agricultural enterprises is presented. It has been established that the application of marketing management at agricultural enterprises is related with the marketing research of agricultural market subjects, their analysis and response to changes in the internal and external environment of the functioning of enterprises. The marketing management system of an agricultural enterprise represents a wide range of marketing and management knowledge, in particular, product (service) development and advertising and promotion, sales and integrated marketing communications, planning, branding, budgeting and strategic management. In order to form an effective system of marketing management of an agricultural enterprise, it is necessary to understand the process of marketing management to achieve the defined goals. In accordance with the marketing management system, a study of the goals of the studied agricultural enterprises was carried out, which is an objective necessity under the changing conditions of the development of the agricultural market, which is determined by tough conditions of competition, dynamic changes in consumer tastes and preferences, and global innovation processes in the fields of agriculture.
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
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