


1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

2. engineer


The study examines technologies for inactivating anti-nutrients in soybeans, such as proteolytic enzyme inhibitors. In addition, soybeans have two trypsin inhibitors that bind cystine and methionine. Protease inhibitors include trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors, which are substances that are naturally present in soybeans to protect them from being eaten by birds and rodents and from the development of microflora. According to their heat resistance, antinutrients can be classified into heat-sensitive and heat-resistant. The purpose of the research was to study modern methods and technological solutions aimed at optimizing the preservation of useful characteristics of soybeans and reducing the content of anti-nutrients. To inactivate these anti-nutrients, physical, chemical and biological methods of legume processing are used. As a result of heat treatment, the nutritional value of beans increases, namely, the digestibility of proteins increases by up to 90%, and the contamination of beans with microflora is significantly reduced. The amount of trypsin inhibitor in soybeans after roasting with a roaster significantly decreased by 2.45 times, and lipoxygenase activity - by 2.71 times. One of the most attractive and highly effective, but not sufficiently researched methods is the method of heat treatment of legume seeds called micronization. In this case, the process of inactivation of anti-nutrients in soybeans is very fast - within 50...70 seconds, the nutritional value of protein is significantly increased, and the energy value increases (approximately from 7800 to 16000 kJ/kg). The technology of neutralization of anti-nutrients in soybeans based on their heat treatment in a 2.5 % solution of calcium hydroxide is considered. Processing of soybeans according to the developed technology allows to obtain feed without urease activity, and the content of trypsin inhibitor is at the level of 2-3 mg/g.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

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