1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
Every year, there is more and more waste on our planet. This leads to soil, water and air pollution, which negatively affects people’s health and quality of life. Therefore, the task of reducing production and consumption waste, as well as choosing effective directions for their use, becomes urgent.
During the production of food products, waste is mainly of plant and animal origin. The main types of waste generated at processing and food enterprises have been determined: in the fruit and vegetable and canning industry – apple, berry and vegetable pomace, as well as vegetables and fruits that cannot be processed as the main product; in the grain processing industry – wheat bran; in the sugar industry – molasses, pulp; in the dairy industry – whey; in the oil and fat industry – husks, cakes, etc.
It is noted that the most valuable waste is sold abroad or processed into food products. The list of products by areas of use (food, medicine, chemical industry, fertilizers, cosmetic industry, animal feed, fertilizer, energy) that can be obtained from organic waste is given. The types of waste, which are valuable raw materials for chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic production, and energy production, have been determined. It is substantiated that in modern conditions in Ukraine it is necessary to intensify the use of waste from processing and food industries as energy carriers – for the production of solid biofuel (briquettes, pellets), biogas, etc. This will help compensate for the lack of energy resources due to damage to traditional energy facilities during Russia's hostilities against Ukraine.
However, there is still a large amount of waste in Ukraine that is buried or poured into the sewers, which causes pollution of water bodies, soils and emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. With a comprehensive approach and a joint solution to the problem of waste management of various industries, it is possible to ensure the saving of raw materials, the creation of new jobs, and the protection and improvement of the environment.
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
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