
Polievoda YuriiORCID,Volynets YevheniiORCID


Vibration mechanics and vibroreology play an important role in the new section of applied vibration theory formed in recent years - the theory of vibration processes and devices. This theory studies the patterns of excitation and vibration in different mechanical systems; it also includes the theory of machines in which vibration is used to achieve useful goals. Based on the considered models, it was possible to describe the chaotic motion of the bulk medium layer over the vibrating plane. Such movements, well known for liquids, have indeed been observed in the case of a bulk medium, which serves as another confirmation of the possibility of modeling slow motions of a bulk medium during vibration in the form of viscous fluid motions (of course, with the above caveats and additions). When studying the described simplest models, motion (including we are interested in slow motion) can be found by directly using the solution of the problem of vibrotransportation of the body (particles). The value of this approach is determined, however, by the possibility of its application for an approximate solution in more complex cases. In the study of slow motions of bodies interacting with both the forces of dry friction and collisions, these interactions can be modeled by the forces of viscous friction, taking into account the driving vibration force. This leads to the following vibroreological approach to modeling the behavior of the bulk medium in vibrating trays and vessels. Of all the considered models, the most promising is the model of the behavior of the bulk medium under the influence of vibration in the form of a viscous medium.The described models can be used when considering a practically important task of vibration penetration into a free medium.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Reference8 articles.

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