
Babyn Ihor1ORCID


1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


The aim of the research is to develop a mathematical model of the hydraulic injector of the flushing system and to determine the design parameters of the injector that ensure the destruction of milk deposits on the surface of the elements of the milking parlor of complex geometric configuration. A physical and mathematical model of the process of operation of the hydraulic injector of the flushing system has been developed, which creates a jet of detergent solution of directed action for cleaning the inner surfaces of the milk system. As a result of theoretical researches dependences of radius of a site of blow of a stream Ra and its pressure on a surface of milk pipe system pa on internal diameter of a nozzle dn, distance to it Hj at various values of pressure on an exit of a nozzle pn are received. Using the element base of the milking equipment, a low-pressure centrifugal type milk pump (≈ 3 atm) was selected as the basic hydraulic pressure generator. The dn = 2.1 mm, Hj = 16.6 cm, Ra = 23.6 mm. As a result of experimental studies of the hydroinjector of the flushing system, the dependences of the value of the force of the cleaning solution jet on the surface Fa and the degree of cleaning of the surface from milk deposits after flushing χ from the nozzle outlet pressure pn, the distance between the nozzle and the surface Hj and its inner diameter dn. Visual and statistical (according to Fisher's criterion F = 1,68 <F0,05 (6,30) = 2,42 and correlation coefficient R = 0,97) comparison of theoretical and experimental results of researches allows to assert about adequacy and logic of the received dependences of force of action. jet of detergent solution on the surface of Fa from the research factors in the appropriate range of their values. Pn = 500 kPa, dn = 0.00175 m, Hj = 0.191 m were determined as rational design and mode parameters of the hydroinjector from the condition of the maximum degree of cleaning of the surface from milk deposits after washing χ = 40.1%.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

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