1. Vinnytsia national agrarian university
In modern living conditions, when mechanization and automation of production processes becomes a characteristic feature of the development of mechanical engineering, the introduction of innovative projects in engineering and technology is relevant for domestic enterprises. This is especially true in the field of tool production, the field of design, advanced energy-saving technologies, the manufacture of special purpose tools and especially devices and equipment for machine tools. The use of modern advanced technological equipment, namely machine tools, as additional devices that significantly expand the technological capabilities of metalworking equipment and tools. An important place in the classification of machine tools is occupied by universal-assembly devices (USP). Due to the fact that 60% of USP configurations are drilling devices, the use and rational change of the design of the elements is relevant. Existing USP designs, in the vast majority, consist of standardized parts, and sometimes components. In most cases, from the elements of the USP can be practically assembled devices to perform various machining operations on machines of all types. Analyzing in detail the design features of the elements of the USP, we can propose the creation of new, more advanced designs. We substantiate the need to improve the elements of the USP on the example of a split sleeve. The location of the section parallel to the axis of the sleeve limits the capabilities of the existing elements, for example, the use of such conductor sleeves complicates the radial fixation in the layout of the USP. An improved design of the split sleeve has been developed to improve the operational capabilities by changing the orientation of the cut relative to the tool axis. The split sleeve is an intermediate element and is used to secure the conductor sleeve in the bar. As a result of contact with the covered surface, the calculation of contact stresses was performed. The proposed design solution will allow more technological use of USP elements. The new design of the split sleeve has proven its effectiveness due to the improvement of the radial fixation in the hole of the bar, which contributes to the accuracy of tool production operations.
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
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