
Kupchuk Ihor,Tokarchuk Oleksіі,Hontar Volodymyr,Zamrii Mykhailo


The high level of energy use by domestic producers does not allow for the competitiveness of livestock products in the domestic and foreign markets. Therefore, the effective functioning of farming enterprises requires the development and implementation of technologies that meet world standards for energy efficiency and reduce energy losses. A very important and energy-consuming operation is the grinding of feed grains (wheat, barley, peas, corn, etc.). In the technological process of feed production, the share of energy consumption for grinding can reach up to 70%. Feed material usually has a high moisture content. In most cases, the grinding is performed by hammer mills. However, when grinding grain with high moisture content this crushing method (by hammer mills) is ineffective. This article is devoted to solving the actual problem: minimizing energy consumption for grinding of feed grains when making feed for farm animals namely the theoretical study of the motion laws of the proposed technological equipment. Presented schematic diagram vibrаtion disk-type crusher for feed material realizes the idea of a combined interaction of vibration and rotational motion of equipment, a combination of shock and cutting impact of work items on the material. This will allow to process raw material with high moisture content without significantly reducing the performance of the mashine and facilitates timely withdrawal of the product from the grinding zone. Also, in order to establish the values of velocity of mass centers constituents vibration equipment kinematic analysis of the given machine graphic-analytical methods of theoretical mechanics and the theory of mechanisms and machines was performed, including established patterns of change of linear velocity of the centers of mass and structural elements in the future will help determine the total kinetic energy of this oscillatory system.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

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