
Luts Pavlo1


1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


The use of spent grains as an additional component of diets in animal nutrition in modern conditions is a very important issue. As a result of its seasonal formation in large quantities, there is a need for additional processing to extend the shelf life. Regardless of the direction of its further processing (canning, drying) or transportation to a farm located at a considerable distance, it is effective to partially dehydrate raw materials and reduce the initial humidity. One of the most common methods of reducing humidity at its high initial values is squeezing by pressing with screw presses. The design parameters of the anti-vibration squeezing nozzle of the two-screw press are offered and substantiated to ensure the stability of the dehydration process of pellets and reduce energy costs by achieving the stability of the pressing process. The design of an experimental sample of a two-screw press for dehydration of spent grains using a squeezing nozzle with a theoretically sound surface shape is presented. A mathematical model of the process of interaction of the surface of the squeezing nozzle with the raw material, which linked the pressure distribution in the contact zone of the medium and the surface of the squeezing nozzle with its design parameters. The geometry of the surface of the squeezing nozzle in the form of an exponential function with a power factor is established. The density of distribution of filter openings on length depending on necessary production productivity is offered. The pressure distribution along the length of the two-screw press nozzle has been experimentally confirmed. Dynamic dependences of pressure change with time are obtained, which show the stability of the pressing process and the reduction of vibration in the process at different speeds of the screws and the width of the outlet. The optimal parameters of the two-screw press for dehydration of spent grains are proposed.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

Reference9 articles.

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