
Sevostianov Ivan1,Ivanchuck Yaroslav1


1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


Vibro-pressing loading is one from most effective methods of dehydration of damp dispersive materials such as alcoholic bard, beer pellets, beet press, coffee and barley slime for their further use as valuable additives to agricultural fodders or as a fuel. Main efficiency characteristics of the equipment for dehydration by the method of vibro-pressing loading are: productivity of liquid removal up to 20 ÷ 25 t / h, energy efficiency 2,7 ÷ 3,2 kW / t, final humidity of processed material 20 ÷ 25%. High efficiency of the method conditioned by periodical overdistribution of solid particles of processed material in a press-form of the equipment with their mutual rotations, sliding and movements in locations of more stable balance, with more dense stacking of particles and removal of liquid from spaces between them. There are several types of drives for vibro-pressing equipment: mechanical (unbalanced), hydraulic and electromagnetic. Each this type of drives has some advantages and disadvantages. One of tasks of this article is to analyze these types of drive and to select an optimal variant that will provide maximal productivity of working process, minimal energy expenses and humidity of processed material. A scheme of a versatile vibro-press that can be equipped with unbalanced, hydraulic pulse or electromagnetic drive is presented in the article. There is elaborated dynamic and mathematic models of the vibro-press. Equations of the mathematic model set connection between of working parameters of dehydration process, design parameters of the equipment and physical-mechanical characteristics of processed material. These equations can be used as a foundation for elaboration of a design calculation method for determination of optimal parameters of the vibro-press depending from given characteristics of material and parameters of dehydration efficiency.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Reference10 articles.

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