
Mazur Viktor1,Didur Ihor1,Pantsyreva Hanna1,Mordvaniuk Myroslava1


1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


This article provides an economic assessment of the elements of the technology for growing chickpea. The most effective aspects of the cultivation technology are highlighted, which provide the maximum increase in the productivity of chickpea plants and high economic efficiency. Assessing the economic efficiency of growing chickpeas and other agricultural crops in agricultural enterprises, first of all, it is necessary to determine the system of interrelated indicators that will objectively show its level. For this, they are often used both in value and in kind. According to the research results, the indicators of economic and energy efficiency of seed treatment before sowing and foliar dressing in the elements of chickpea cultivation technology, which were the object of study, were determined. The economic efficiency of growing chickpea grain in the Pravoberezhnaya forest-steppe was determined by the following indicators: the cost of production per 1 ha, the cost of 1 ton of grain, costs per 1 ha, net profit per hectare, and the level of profitability. During the calculation, the following research results were used: those that form the selling price – grain yield, yield increase, protein and fat content, and those that make up the cost of production – production costs. According to the exchange prices, the cost of chickpea grain is rather unstable and fluctuates in a wide range – from UAH 10,000 to UAH 30,000 per 1 ton. The cost of production from 1 hectare was set taking into account the price of chickpeas as of 31.12. 2019, which averaged UAH 20,000. When treating seeds before sowing with bioinoculant Rizoline + Rhizosave and two foliar feeding with micronutrient fertilizer, the legume yield of the Pegasus variety was high. net profit at the level of 17,815 rubles / ha with a profitability level of 155%, which is 68% more for control, for the Triumph variety – 15793 UAH / ha and 139%, which is 62% more for control. Considering the structure of costs, we can conclude that the maximum costs were respectively for the following categories of costs: for protective equipment – 21.5%, seeds – 34.9% and fuels and lubricants – 15.3%. Hence, a significant part of the costs falls on other costs, which include deductions for depreciation and repair non-current assets.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

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