
Didur Ihor1,Korshevnyuk Serhiy1


1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


The article presents the results of a long-term study of the features of the formation of the symbiotic potential of lentil plants, taking into account both the hydrothermal features of the vegetation period of plants, and from the standpoint of using various options for pre-sowing seed treatment with inoculant and complex micronutrient fertilizers. Aspects of the formation of the symbiotic potential of lentils in the context of different years according to the hydrothermal regime were determined, which made it possible to determine the optimal SCC interval for the realization of the effective potential of the formation of nodule bacteria and their vital activity. The features of the use of one of the modern lentil seed inoculants Anderiz-r and complex chelated micronutrient fertilizer for presowing seed treatment - Oracle in the format of single and combined use against the background of the recommended background of mineral nutrition at the level of 30 kg / ha of the active substance nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium from the standpoint of the formation of a symbiotic apparatus in the dynamics of the phenological development of lentils. The effect of these preparations on the formation of the number and mass of nodule bacteria on the root system of lentil plants was studied for the period from the branching of the stem to the beginning of the formation of fruit elements. It has been proven that the combined use of an inoculant and microfertilizer provides a general increase in the number of nodule bacteria on a plant by at least 80% for an increase in their mass by 2.4 times. The features of the formation of the ratio between the number and mass of nodule bacteria in lentil plants have been established both from the standpoint of hydrothermal vegetation regimes and from the standpoint of using options for pre-sowing seed inoculation and the use of complex micronutrients for the same pre-sowing seed treatment. It is noted that from the standpoint of a positive influence on the general indicators of the formation of the symbiotic potential of lentil plants, an obligatory technological element is the pre-sowing inoculation of seeds with a species-specific strain of bacteria, which makes it possible to significantly increase the total number of nodule bacteria on lentil roots from 5-7 to 30-31, depending on the phenological phase. plants and years of research


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

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