1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
The article presents the results of research to clarify the species composition of the harmful entomocomplex of soybean agrocenosis in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe. It was found that the most harmful phytophagous were Etiella zinckenella Tr., Tetranychus urticae Koch. and bedbugs (Miridae). Six periods of development of soybean plants have been identified, which are associated with certain phytophagous complexes, three of which are critical when active protection measures are needed. Depending on the damage to various plant organs, soybean phytophages are conventionally divided into the following groups of pests: nodules, root system, leaves and stems and generative organs. The application of methods and effectiveness of modern chemical and biological drugs and their mixtures against the most dangerous species of arthropods are substantiated. According to the results of our research, we found that spraying soybean crops in the period of the beginning of the formation of beans against acacia fire is the most effective: Dragun, k.e. (1,2 l/ha), Decis f-Lux, 10% m.e. (0,25 l/ha) and a mixture of Dragoon, k.e. with Aktofit, k.e. (0,6 + 1,0 l/ha), the technical efficiency of which was 95,3 and 98,7% (above the standard Zolon, k.e. – 94,5%). At the same time, seed damage decreased by 4,2–5,6 times, and the preserved yield averaged 0,59–0,63 t/ha. Aktofit, k.e., was somewhat inferior in efficiency. (89,4%). When spraying soybean crops against common spider mites, the most effective were Dragun, k.e. (1,2 l/ha), Syntax (0,2 g/l) and a mixture of Syntax, g/l with Aktofit, k.e. Their technical efficiency was 95,2 and 99,7%, respectively (Zolon, k.e. – 87,9%). The saved yield was 0,55 and 0,66 t/ha.
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
Critical Care Nursing,Pediatrics
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