
Mazur Viktor1,Didur Ihor1,Pantsyreva Hanna1,Mordvaniuk Myroslava1


1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


In the context of climate change in the right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, as well as temperature fluctuations over the years, an important direction in increasing the productivity of arable land is the cultivation of drought-resistant leguminous crops and the improvement of technological methods of cultivation aimed at creating highly productive agrocenoses. It has been studied that chickpeas are among the drought-resistant leguminous crops, which can withstand high temperatures and prolonged droughts; a detailed analysis of the features of energy-efficient technological aspects of growing chickpeas has been carried out. It was revealed that the factors that have a direct impact on energy efficiency indicators in the context of climate change include pre-sowing seed treatment and foliar top dressing. The calculations proved the absence of a negative energy balance when growing chickpeas. Consequently, the sum of the total energy costs and calculations of the developed technology amounted to 17,611.2 MJ. In Pegasus chickpea plants, the energy consumption control was 14.85 GJ / ha and the gross energy yield was 34.26 GJ / ha, while the net energy profit was 19.46 GJ / ha and the energy efficiency ratio was 2.31. The highest energy efficiency coefficient (3.20) was recorded for the technology of growing chickpeas, which provides for a combination of pre-sowing treatment of seeds to the bioenoculant Rizoline in combination with Risosave and two-time foliar top dressing of microfertilizers Harvest legumes in the phase of intensive growth. It is thanks to the optimal combination and development of new adaptive technological methods in the varietal technology of growing chickpeas for the conditions of the right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine that it is possible to obtain competitive products with high-quality energy valuable seeds.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


Critical Care Nursing,Pediatrics

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