1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
In the soil and climatic conditions of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe, regardless of the action of abiotic and biotic factors during the growing season, high adaptability of alfalfa was established for different geographical origins, namely the natural zone of the Forest-Steppe, Polissya, Steppe Ukraine and Serbia. It was found that under the weather conditions of 2016 year alfalfa varieties reacted differently to changes in temperature and moisture during the growing season. It is important to note the effectiveness of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers applied directly to alfalfa coverless method of sowing. In the year of sowing, alfalfa formed a powerful herbage and provided two slopes with a yield of green mass at the level of 20,13-29,80 t/ha with a dry matter yield of 4,80-6,69 t/ha. For the second year of vegetation, alfalfa was carried out according to the regimes, which considered the phases of growth and development (budding, beginning of flowering and flowering). In the first mode of cutting management (all slopes in the budding phase) it is advisable to identify three varieties of Unitro, Nasoloda and Rosana, which provided a gross dry matter of 10,41-10,48 and 2,29-2,31 t/ha of crude protein. The productivity of alfalfa increased with late term cutting - at the beginning of flowering and a combination of slopes (3rd mode). The dry matter yield was 11,40-12,62 and 2,35-2,51 t/ha of crude protein (second regime) and the indicators increased under the third regime, especially dry matter 13,58-15,80 t/ha and decreased to 2,37-2,41 t/ha of crude protein. The increase in dry matter of the second mode increased by 9,5-23,1% and crude protein by 2,6-20,5%, and in the third mode of use of alfalfa it was 2,3-11,2%, compared to the mode of mowing the grass in the budding phase. During the third year of vegetation under favorable agroecological conditions for growth and development of alfalfa plants, the studied varieties provided four slopes regardless of the mode of use of grass with a dry matter yield of 15,43-20,58 and 3,21-4,02 t/ha of crude protein. During the second and third years of vegetation from the studied modes of use of alfalfa grass for fodder purposes, the highest yield of crude protein 5,27-6,53 t/ha varieties provided for the alienation of crops at the beginning of the flowering phase, which was on average 6,0-7,1% higher than when mowing all slopes in the budding phase and a combination of slopes in the phases of growth and development (3rd mode). Thus, in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of the right bank on gray forest soils alfalfa, regardless of geographical origin, adapted to growing conditions and provided stable productivity indicators regardless of the regime of grass use with observance of elements of cultivation technology.
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
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