Local Government Tasks in Managing Migrations in the Czech Republic and Poland


Princ Marcin1,Kryska David2


1. docent, Fakultet prava i javne uprave, Sveučilište Adam Mickiewicz, Poznan, Poljska

2. viši predavač, Pravni fakultet, Karlovo sveučilište, Prag, Češka


Difficult problems that cannot be easily solved, the so-called wicked problems, remain one of the biggest challenges for both Poland and the Czech Republic. They concern both the state authorities and the local self-government. The analysis shows that in both countries, the tasks of local government units, in particular communes, do not focus on foreigners’ issues as a separate matter. Despite similar experiences, migration situations, and legal regulations, there are slight differences in both countries with respect to the understanding of who is a member of a local government community, and thus for whom public tasks can be performed. The challenge for both countries is to adjust their legal regulations to focus more on foreigners, primarily in areas such as integration, culture, health care, and education. It is also postulated to create the possibility of participation by foreigners in decisions taken by governmental authorities (e.g., in the scope of granting international protection). Undoubtedly, the thesis that solving the “wicked problems” category can only be advanced with the participation and joint responsibility of the local self-government is still very relevant, which was pointed out in the article in several areas. The research results lead to the proposal to recognise a foreigner as a member of the local government immediately after obtaining residence, regardless of the length of stay. The clue is to clearly identify the concentration of life interests and genuine connection, which is determined in this respect.


Institute of Public Administration Zagreb


Law,Public Administration

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