Practical meliponiculture: use of trap boxes to control Tracuá Carpenter ants (Camponotus atriceps Smith, 1858), an important natural enemy


Oliveira Mikail Olinda deORCID,Cavalcante Marcelo CasimiroORCID,Bomfim Isac Gabriel AbrahãoORCID,Contrera Felipe Andrés LeónORCID


This study aimed to observe the attractiveness efficiency of trap boxes installed in collective shelters of stingless bee colonies (Melipona flavolineata, Melipona fasciculata and Scaptotrigona aff. depilis), as an alternative method for non-chemical control of tracuá carpenter ants (Camponotus atriceps). The study was conducted at Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, in Belém, Pará, Brazil, from March to August 2015. The results showed that the efficiency of this technique depended on the presence of bee colonies and on the bee species in the collective shelter. Overall, an efficiency of 40.6% was found in the capture of C. atriceps individuals, which rose to 75% considering only collective shelters of M. fasciculata colonies, and to 87.5% for collective shelters of M. flavolineata. Trap boxes installed in collective shelters of S. depilis did not attract any C. atriceps group or individuals. The use of trap boxes in collective shelters of stingless bee colonies of the genus Melipona (M. flavolineata and M. fasciculata) is an efficient alternative method of non-chemical control of tracuá carpenter ants (C. atriceps).


Universidade Estadual de Maringa


Animal Science and Zoology,Food Science

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