Forage peanut genetic variability: Multi-trait selection for forage production and ornamental purposes


Miqueloni Daniela PopimORCID,Assis Giselle Mariano Lessa deORCID,Beber Paulo MarcioORCID


The selection of superior genotypes considering several traits simultaneously allows the release of more adapted, productive, and nutritive cultivars. To select forage peanut genotypes for use as animal feed and for ornamental purposes, 67 genotypes were evaluated. Twelve agronomic and nutritive value traits were evaluated in three temporally separated trials: a randomized complete block design. The mixed model method (Restricted Maximum Likelihood/Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (REML/BLUP)) was employed for estimating genetic parameters and predicting genotypic values, which were used in the selection indexes. The selection criteria considered vegetative and seed propagation traits corresponding to the use of forage peanut as animal feed and for ornamental purposes. Seed productivity was also evaluated and correlated with other traits. Genetic variability with high heritability in seed production was observed. Plant vigor, ground cover, and dry matter yield were negatively correlated with seed production. Among the genotypes evaluated, there is a possibility of selecting 14 and 16 genotypes corresponding to seed propagation for animal feed and ornamental purposes, respectively. For vegetative propagation, there are 16 and 14 promising genotypes for animal feed and ornamental purposes, respectively. Vegetatively propagated genotypes generally performed better in terms of agronomic traits related to feed production.


Universidade Estadual de Maringa


Agronomy and Crop Science

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